About Salem Vegan Guide

I live in Salem. I am a vegan. But I’m a non-annoying vegan, I promise, so don’t worry.

I have an online/pop-up shop called Keep Salem Odd. I sell at Haunted Happenings, which is Salem’s (amazing) vendor market that runs through all of October each year, and last year, I was giving some thought to things to sell that would be useful to the (literally) one million tourists that come into town during that period. And I figured that some of those one million people coming through must be vegans, and if they were, they might have a spot of bother figuring out where to eat. Salem boasts one all-vegan establishment (Jodi Bee Bakes) but otherwise, you have to be a little bit in the know to sort the cheese from the cheeze.

I wrote up and designed a paper vegan guide and got some printed. I sold them at Haunted Happenings packaged with some other vegan paraphernalia. This year, I wanted to go bigger. Sell ads, get the restaurants and community more involved. But the thing is, I’m no ad salesperson. And also, I have another job. Well, several jobs, in fact. So extra time for this was not plentiful.

And so it came to be that I made the guide into a website. To no certain purpose, except to be helpful. And for fun. Oh, and of course to promote veganism. But in a non-annoying way.

The text of this site is under a CC0 license, so add it to your own veggie guide, zine, publication, whatever, if it fits there.

I hope its useful to you. Let me know if you are an establishment listed here and want to change, correct or add to your listing. I did my best, but mistakes and misunderstandings happen. And definitely feel free to get in touch if you want to advertise, or collaborate, or have ideas to share.

